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Feb 12, 2010

All Of The New Stuff!!

Hey Everyone Here Is What I Have So Far!
New Start Screen(s) <3/3>!

 Orange Puffle In Club Penguin!
The Orange Puffle Is At: 
~Box Dimension~
~Ski Lodge~
Now Here Is The Orange Puffle In A Video From Club Penguin!

Click Here To See The Video!
New Pin!

New Stage!

Ok Im Sorry But You Can Go To Jmann93's Site And Check Out All The New Things And I Will Try To Get Better At This Posting Thing!

1 comment(s):

Ford59 said...

Hey there Rokhopper! :P It's me,Zero! I was just roaming around my friendly neighborhood internet when I thought to visit your site! I was just wondering if you had liked the video I posted of your party review! I also love the new site template! Have you been to my site lately? Well,you should visit! We're under construction,but we will soon be out of it. Within a couple days or so. I have to have time to code my new template,and make everything. I wanted to ask you a question as well. I've been looking for people who post their cheats quite often and I have chosen you to work on my website! If you would like this opportunity then comment back on this with your email,and I will get back to you as soon as possible about working on it. I will also email you what you will be posting on. Most likely you will be posting cheats if I have not posted them yet,seeing as how I haven't been getting on my computer as much! I best be going now. I'm running this comment way to long!

Lord Zero2

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