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Oct 19, 2010

The creator of iCP says sorry.

Hey Penguins! I was looking at some of the iCPv3 Cheating sites and found something that came from the REAL creator of iCP!

Hey there, its me; iRath / iCrack :P / Alex / Inventory of iCP.
This Letter is regarding everybody associated with iCP; Players, Staff and of course Disney as well.

I wanted to tell you why I am stopping iCP and a brief History.
iCP started damn long ago, in a Time, where I simply didnt realize the Reality.
It was a nice Day, I was a huge Fan of CP, and then I had the Idea: "Why not make my own CP Server?".
It wasn't meant to harm ANYONE. It was just there to get my Friends and me some Fun.
I didn't realize what I was doing, and so I started iCP.

The sad Thing is, with every new Release of iCP, I noticed what I am doing more and more, but somehow weren't able to stop.
This is where we got, a Point, which is far to late, I should have noticed it earlier.

Anyway, now I finally do something I always wanted to do: Say Sorry.
It might sound quite hilarious, as I could have stopped WAY EARLIER, way before this Fight!
But I didn't understand, didn't even understand myself.
I dont expect you to understand it, but its just the Point that this Tension in me is getting to a Point which I just cant stand anymore.

I've always loved CP and their Staff, honestly, they are very nice. And thats another Point, why this is a big Shame to me.
While CP Staff has always been nice to me, I begun manipulating CP, and this is where we got!

I never really wanted to; I was like a Zombi. I have no Clue how to express what I mean, but I have to admit that this is just sad to me.
It sounds odd, I know, but its just sad to see how I have ignored the Trust they have put in me and did all this Crap, I don't write this Letter
because anybody forced me to, because I am getting sued or something like that, its just because this is getting too far!

I mean, I once dreamed of being Dev at New Horizon (now Disney) and now I would hide my Face if I met them somewhere!
The fun of developing iCP made me blind.

I mean, many of you hate Disney, I know, because Membership costs something. But honestly, you cant tell me that you don't have $7!
I did this because I thought some people weren't able to pay because of parents like mine. They don't want to give Credit Card Info :s
Beyond that, take a look at what Disney does with the Money:
They give it to Charity Organizations!
And now think further, I did something bad to the whole World with iCP: Disney didn't have that much Money, thus weren't able to spend it!

But now, I want to put a stop to this.
I really like Disney, although I know they seriously hate me now, but still, I want them to know I am sorry!

I am officially out of the CP "Hacking" Scene, and I *wont* release the Fix for the new club_penguin.swf Loader, in Hope this will put a Stop to CP Cheating.

Sorry Disney; it was fun competing against your Programmers, they are damn good!
Alex; In Hope Disney forgives me and my Childs someday will be able to play CP; without People cheating!

I hope The Club Penguin Team reads this.. I bet the creator is REALLY truly sorry. I hope the team let the creators children to play Club Penguin because it wasn't their fault it was the creator's fault.

Comment on what you think!

See Ya Later Penguins!

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