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Sep 30, 2010

NEW Treasure Book - Series 10

Hey Penguins! The Club Penguin Team just released the NEW Treasure Book Series 10! The new color of the Series 10 is.... BLUE! Yes, blue! Lets check the new book out!

There is no hidden items in this Treasure Book this time.... So sad. Even there is really no new items in the book but there is new items in the Exclusives pages!

Awesome huh? I think the hat and shoes are the coolest! What do think of this Treasure Book? Also, what is your favorite items in the book?

Well see ya later guys!

P.S. Did you see the new theme for the site? Do you like it? Have you tried out the new Nav-Bar? Well, I hope you like it anyway! I know that almost all the widgets say "Coming Soon!" because they are coming soon! =D See Ya!

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